Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Japan vs. America

As you can see from the title of this post, this is going to be about the Japanese education system vs. the American education system. As you know from my current posts I don't find the American education system to be very effective.

     America has a dropout rate currently at 50% and is ranked 12th most educated country in the world. Violence is high in school and students tend to lack a lot of respect for their teachers. Currently here in America we also have a 2 1/2 month break during the summer time. Because of this most students actually forget most of what they learned during the time they were gone and this has a negative effect on the students. One last thing about our system is that students tend to be held back from responsibilities such as running their own clubs or cleaning up the classroom when the day is over.

     Japan, however, is much different in comparison. In Japan the current dropout rate is just a meager 2% and is ranked within the top 5 in the world in education. There is little to no violence in their school system whatsoever and a mutual respect is shared between both the students and the teachers. In Japan multiple breaks are spread throughout the year so that students do not forget what they learned over their summer vacation and they graduate to the next grade during the spring of the next year and continue going to school as if nothing had happened at all. Also, unlike our school system they have a 3-6-3-3 grade level system. 3 years in kindergarten, 6 years in elementary, 3 years in Junior High School, and a final 3 in Senior High School. In Japan the students will stay in their class for all of the days and instead have the teachers switch to different classrooms (With the exception that they have a class which they cannot do in that classroom such as sports). After all classes are over in the day the students will clean up the classroom and then they will be permitted to leave for home.

     I believe that if we implemented the Japanese school system with just the same form as Japan that the rate of education in America would quickly rise to be within the top 10 or possibly top 5 most educated countries in the world. Though it could possibly take years for America to change its educational system and work out kinks, I do believe that it would be for the better in concern for the future children of America.

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