Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final Post *Q.Q*

     Welcome; or should I say goodbye? This will be my final post on this blog, though this time I won't be ranting about the education system. Instead I'll be telling you all what I learned from this and telling you where I got all of this information from on the system.

     Alright, for starters I'll tell you what I learned. From this I have learned that not everyone sees the education system in the same way, though a lot of people seem to dislike it in one way or another. Many of my friends have told me that the reason they dislike school so much is that they lack freedom to learn as they please (self study, group, games, etc.) and I have to agree with them. If a student is not allowed to learn in the way they believe is best for them, they may struggle in the long run.

     As for all of my information, it's all self-gathered. I gained this mostly from my own experience and information received from other students and teachers. With my older sister being a teacher I have my own personal source of information  on school subjects and with an army sized amount of students at school I feel I have all the information I may need for a while.

     Within all the time I spent doing these blog posts I have learned so many different things that are wrong with the education system in America that it seems that we’re teaching ourselves how to live on the real world after a while. I’m just amazed with all the things that we have yet to fix that it might just be we’ll have to switch to an entirely new form of education system in order to have things become right as they once were.
     Hopefully one day we will eventually be back to the top in terms of education and able to be proud of how smart our children can truly be. It embarrasses me a little bit to know that when I go to a foreign country that I will seem as if I’m an imbecile just because I lack the proper knowledge that many others have around the world. Just the thought of it really saddens me, as I worry about the children of the future not being adequate enough to get a job in a foreign country or possibly anywhere due to low standards in educational terms.
     All in all I found that all of these blogs were fairly enjoyable to write and that with time I have also learned that the education system Is not all bad, but that I can somewhat have a higher trust within it, though not to the extent of complete belief. Personally, I have an aspiration to learn all that I can until the day I possibly die, so that I can share the information with others. No, it’s not a dream to become a teacher, but instead to become a walking living, and breathing source of information to share with others if need be.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Top Offic

     Today this blog post is going to be entirely off topic. What I would like to say for now is more along the lines of our crime rates here in America and ways we could possibly stop it. First off we have a lot of crime and it definitely needs to be stopped. Currently, crime is often higher in areas where minorities have a higher population, though I think this is because these areas are often lower income areas such as ghettos or boonies. We could possibly stop this by supplying the area with more money or finding jobs for the less fortunate there.

     As we all know, today in this age we have crime in the streets every day of our lives. Police sirens blaring, people running, shooting guns, killing people, stealing, meth labs, etc. We need to settle this because I think most people have had enough of it. Throughout my life I've met more than 20 people who have suffered somehow from the world of crime or were directly involved with it. I believe that if we were to make some changes we could keep things like this from happening and end up with a happier country.

     I notice that crime is often high in minority neighborhoods. This is mostly because those minorities are often treated differently and often paid less than the majority people, although businesses say otherwise. In lower income areas the crime rates should probably be expected to be higher as people have a hard time getting by every day and often times might become tempted to steal things from other people. In these low income areas housing is often unkempt and most buildings seem to be deteriorated, which may cause the residents of the building to become less than pleased with the area around them.

     In these areas if we were to increase the rate at which income would come into these places it may improve the area overall. Say that government was to step in for once and help replace missing structures within housing and reinforce the walls so that the people actually have a solid foundation to live in. Secondly if we were to help the people in these areas find jobs that paid a decent enough amount of money so that they could get their lives in order we could have less crime.

     There is also much crime in major places such as bustling cites, as the people there find that they may have less responsibility there and attempt to steal things because they have less of a chance to get caught in the process of doing so. If officers were to be stationed in areas where there are higher crime rates it could efficiently lower the amount of crime within the area.

     Now we're on to drugs. Drugs are everywhere these days and they considerably destroy the people that use them. I believe that if a police officer were to even get a small hint both on and off duty of an area that people use drugs at was located they should be able to get a warrant for the home or property. This would substantially lower the amount of drug abuse in areas and raise the effectiveness of the economy so we may get out of our 14 TRILLION dollar debt.

     That is all.