Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to change the system

     Alright, so we need to find a way to change the educational system in order to better the future lives of America. As some rough ideas we should first focus on how the information is relayed to the students themselves and how to improve their studies. Secondly we should focus on school hours and lastly work out the kinks that could keep a student from learning correctly.

     If first we make it so that information given to students and how to improve their studies is implemented I believe that students will effectively rise within the system. Doing this would require revising all current student work material and putting it into an easy to understand format that most people would not have a hard time understanding the material. Doing so would require a long time, I realize that, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Now it comes down to note taking. Students today usually seem to have hard to read handwriting and some even have chicken scratch, though some like myself write in cursive and that can also be hard to read as well, but if schools were to apply a system in which we type down our notes and have away to access them during class, if we needed them, it would effectively deal with the time it takes to both take down notes and decode whatever handwriting that student has.

     Next is school hours. Currently a student's school hours are roughly 7-9 hours depending on the school which they go to. Honestly I think this is to long as it takes up much of a student's day and time in which they could be doing homework, or just as well hanging out with friends. Students get stressed out too you know... To fix this problem a 6 hour schedule could be implemented with 4 classes a day consisting of 1HR15Min. class a day with a 30 minute breakfast period before first period and a 30 minute lunch period or an hour lunch period altogether.

     Last, but not least we have the issue of solving the problem of how to fix problems students have with learning. A student can either be hands-on or one who learns from reading a book, but this hinders the hands-on students as most schools lack the required material to teach a hands-on student how the material functions. This could be fixed by adding more physical classes and hopefully a larger school budget to all schools in the country to run these classes. One other problem is behavior, as it can be affected by other students, teachers, or personal problems. Being a student myself I've had my fair share of run-ins with both problematic students and senile teachers and honestly, it's a rather perplexing problem to fix because rowdy students are simply misunderstood and have grown that way through life and senile teachers are just becoming old. For the students problems, getting either a stricter or kinder teacher could solve the problems in which the students are facing. For the senile teachers.... they could be disposed of if enough reports of the teacher had been turned in by the students. A good 150 reports within 3 years maybe?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

More issues?

     I've found yet even more issues with the education system. Even though most people do know this the American education system is highly lacking behind in the world. It also seems that we are having a high crime rate within schools as well as trade between multiple drugs within school systems. Lastly, America actually spends more on its students than any other country in the world, but the issue comes forward when you find out that some countries are spending half of what we are, yet forming much brighter and well prepared students than we are.

     I think that the multiple problems within the school system are quickly beginning to hinder students of modern day America and forward the stereotype on Americans being both uneducated and natural dumbbells. If drug trade, crime, and all the money poured into the school systems are a problem I think that America really needs to rework the entire school system instead of taking one baby step every year as if schooling and education didn't matter in today's society.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


     Hello, I'm here to talk about the current American education system. As the current system progresses I, as a student, find that there have been many uprising issues with the progression of time and education. With this books are quickly becoming outdated and students are adapting to the life of technology at a breakneck pace as well as slowly losing the patience to sit in a classroom for virtually an eternity getting what could be done on a computer in mere minutes. Another issue is the current health problems that schools are facing, being that I've discovered many schools are actually highly unsanitary and promoting an unsafe environment for its students to work within. My final topic on these issues is that teachers slowly seem to become less and less knowledgeable of how the new and current student minds work as well as distasteful towards the student body.

     Today in modern times we use technology for almost everything, but with this there is an exception of school. Schools of the current day have had a small impact when it comes to studying from a computer. In my time as a student I've found no school that relied to help students through the technology of computers to help a student learn, but instead relied solely on the old fashioned paper and pencil. While I do agree that writing down notes on a subject may help you remember something far better than memory, a student could easily type a full paragraph within a matter of seconds instead of wasting an entire 10 minutes scribbling down calligraphy or chicken scratch onto a piece of paper and killing off trees.

     My next topic is now on to the health issues that schools face and how it affects all the students simultaneously. Once during class I had been discussing health in one of my classes after pondering the reason of why many students get sick at once after a single student is afflicted by something. At first I thought it was just because schools are naturally crowded and close knit, but there had to be a deeper reason. After asking my teacher of this she had told me that custodial staff were instructed to clean the desks in every class room once per semester so, as you can guess, the solid board that is your desk is also a haven for disease and filth.

     My last and final topic is the behavior of teacher towards their students. Quickly after entering middle school I noticed that some teachers were obviously not up to snuff when it came to student language and mental capability. I learned simply that the teachers had been uneducated on the student body and quickly developed more problems with the more complicated students simply because they didn't understand their problems. Another reason for this seems to be that some teachers taught to tough a curriculum and over half their students would end up failing. In the end I guess the parents would get more upset with the teacher instead of the child if more than just a smidge, maybe about half the student body, failed a class due to a teacher's tutoring methods. In the end some teachers can be so foul and cruel seeming to their students that either the students are compelled not to work or are so unhappy with the teacher that their grades may drop substantially.